- By most standards, I have a fairly modest shack
- Elecraft K-Line: K3 Transceiver + P3 Panadapter + KPA500
Amplifier + KAT500 Autotuner
- Second Amplifier: ACOM 1000
- Microham MicroKeyer II
- Antenna 1: SteppIR 3-Element with 30/40 Dipole
- Antenna 2: Cushcraft R-7 Vertical
- Antenna 3: G5RV
- Antenna 4: 160M Helically Wound Vertical (Homebrew)
- Yaesu G-1000 DXA Rotor
- Paddles are a brass/wood CW paddle handmade by K8RA (sk) and also a vintage Ham-Key
Iambic paddle. Also use a K1EL Winkeyer.
- Yamaha CM-500 headset and Sony MDR-V6 headphones.
- Ameritron RCS-8V remote coax switch
- Station computer is a Dell 760 desktop, running Windows 10.
- Software: DXLab Suite, N1MM Logger+, Ham Radio Deluxe, + others.
- Antennas are described here.
- Need a new shelf for your equipment? A couple of my solutions are described here.
- Your feedback is always welcome: k6mm@arrl.net